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Prerequisites before Export and Import Process datapump

Prerequisites before Export and Import Process
1.Make sure you have set variable ORACLE_HOME in your environment. Yours may be vary from mine. 
export ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
2.Create a directory on your system, where we gonna put the Oracle Data Pump (dump) file. As for me, I wanna save the data pump file into /home/oracle/dpump_dir mkdir /home/oracle/dpump_dir

3.Next we need to create the “directory” from SQLPlus. You must logged in as SYSDBA. dbora is SID name on my system. 
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus sys@dbora as sysdba

4.After logged in SQLPlus, execute this command
 create directory dpump_dir as '/home/oracle/dpump_dir';
grant read,write on directory dpump_dir to dbuser;
dbuser is the username that we will use it for export and import process.

5.We also need to give the dbuser privileges to create any directory and to export / import full database. 
grant create any directory to dbuser;
grant EXP_FULL_DATABASE to dbuser;
grant IMP_FULL_DATABASE to dbuser;


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