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golden gate interviews questions and answwer-- 1 in oracle

1) What are processes/components in GoldenGate?


Manager, Extract, Replicat, Data Pump

2) What is Data Pump process in GoldenGate ?

he Data Pump (not to be confused with the Oracle Export Import Data Pump) is an optional secondary Extract group that is created on the source system. When Data Pump is not used, the Extract process writes to a remote trail that is located on the target system using TCP/IP. When Data Pump is configured, the Extract process writes to a local trail and from here Data Pump will read the trail and write the data over the network to the remote trail located on the target system.

The advantages of this can be seen as it protects against a network failure as in the absence of a storage device on the local system, the Extract process writes data into memory before the same is sent over the network. Any failures in the network could then cause the Extract process to abort (abend). Also if we are doing any complex data transformation or filtering, the same can be performed by the Data Pump. It will also be useful when we are consolidating data from several sources into one central target where data pump on each individual source system can write to one common trail file on the target.

3) What is the command line utility in GoldenGate (or) what is ggsci?

ANS: Golden Gate Command Line Interface essential commands – GGSCI

GGSCI   -- (Oracle) GoldenGate Software Command Interpreter

4) What is the default port for GoldenGate Manager process?



5) What are important files GoldenGate?

GLOBALS, ggserr.log, dirprm, etc ...

6) What is checkpoint table?


Create the GoldenGate Checkpoint table

GoldenGate maintains its own Checkpoints which is a known position in the trail file from where the Replicat process will start processing after any kind of error or shutdown.
This ensures data integrity and a record of these checkpoints is either maintained in files stored on disk or table in the database which is the preferred option.

7) How can you see GoldenGate errors?


ggserr.log file


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